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Universitetet i Oslo

P.Oslo inv. 1662

Background and Physical Properties

8.4 x 4.9 cm
Publication side:
Recto against the fibres, transversa charta (Verso: blank)
Palaeographic description:
Bookhand. Specimen of sloping majuscule. Uneven impression with ligatures between certain letters. The editio princeps compares with PGB 44b (5th century CE). Another good comparandum is PSI II 126 + P.Schub. 22 (Cavallo, La scrittura greca e latini dei papiri, pl. 90), also assigned to the 5th century. Stroppa (Aegyptus 88, p. 60) assigns the fragment to the 6th century without comparanda (but see Stroppa 2014 for another 5th century dating). "The ink generally dark black, although here and there it has worn away or flecked off. In such places, however, the letter traces remain clearly legible and brown in color. The brown color, the absence of fading in the black ink, and its particulate appearance suggest that the scribe used a "mixed ink" compounded from both carbon and copper or iron sulfates (Christiansen [BASP 54] 2017, pp. 169-170)." (description provided with kind permission by Kathleen McNamee)
State of preservation:
A rather coarse, light to medium brown papyrus. Broken all around, no margins are preserved. The ink is faded, but still legible, at places close to the upper and left break. A horizontal kollesis is visible at the level of l. 6, at 3.2 cm from the upper edge, and 1.6 cm from the lower edge. The beginnings and the ends of the lines are lost with a greater portion of the text having been lost to the right. The back, which is also coarse with strips of different colour, is blank.


5th/6th century CE
Unknown, Egypt
Title / Type of text:
Commentary on Euripides' "Troades" 9ff. / Hypomnema
From a commentary on Euripides *Troades* 9ff. Part of an ancient commentary to l. 9b of Euripides’ Troiades: ὁ γὰρ Παρνάσιος. The lemma itself is missing, but the text of the fragment shows substantial overlap with the corresponding medieval scholion (Schwartz II, p. 347), and the reconstruction is partly based on this. However, while the scholion merely makes reference to a passage from Thucydides [1, 112, 5], ll. 2-4 of the fragment actually give us the quote. Lines 4-8 introduce and quote a passage from Philochorus’ Atthis, which is completely absent from the scholion. Lines 8 and 9 seem to propose an alternative explanation of the lemma, also included in the scholion and there introduced by ἄλλως.
Commentary Hypomnema Literature Euripides Troades Trojan Women Thucydides Philochorus
Named people:
Named places:
English translation:
Unknown, Egypt
Part of Samson Eitrem’s private collection acquired in Egypt
Acquisition year:


  • Eitrem, S. and Amundsen, L., Studi in onore di Aristide Calderini e Roberto Paribeni II, 1957, pp. 147-150

Further Literature


TM 59880 / MP3 00429.000 / LDAB 987 / CPP 241


  • Del Fabbro, M. (1979). “Il commentario nella tradizione papiracea" (p. 120-121, 123 n. 105). Studia Papyrologica, 18(2), pp. 69-132.
  • Maehler, H. (1994). “Die Scholien der Papyri in ihrem Verhältnis zu den Scholiencorpora der Handschriften" (p. 112-113). In Montanari, F. (ed.), La philologie grecque à l’époque hellénistique et romaine, pp. 95-141. Genève.
  • Athanassiou, N. (1999). Marginalia and commentaries in the papyri of Euripides, Sophocles and Aristophanes (pp. 146, 150 n. 3, 174, 175 n. 49). PhD thesis. London.
  • Maehler, H. (2000). “L’évolution matérielle de l’hypomnèma jusqu’à la basse époque" (p. 32). In Goulet-Cazé, M. O. (ed.), Le commentaire entre tradition et innovation, pp. 29-36. Paris.
  • Montana, F. (2006). “L’anello mancante: l’esegesi ad Aristofane tra l’antichità e Bisanzio" (p. 26 n. 24). In Avezzù, G and Scattolin, P. (eds.), I classici greci e i loro commentatori. Dai papiri ai marginalia rinascimentali, pp. 17-34. Rovereto.
  • Stroppa, M. (2008). “Lista di codici tardoantichi contenenti ‘hypomnemata’ (pp. 60-61).” Aegyptus, 88, pp. 49-69.
  • Carrara, P. (2009). Il testo di Euripide nell'antichità (p. 496 and 583-584). Firenze.
  • Perrone, S. “Lost in tradition. Papyrus commentaries on comedies and tragedies of unknown authorship" (pp. 219 n. 57, 237, 238 with n. 121). Trends in Classics, 1(2), pp. 203-240.
  • Stroppa, M. (2009). “Some remarks regarding commentaries on codex from late antiquity" (pp. 302, 306 n. 21, 307, 314 n. 38, 317 n. 44, and 320). Trends in Classics, 1(2), pp. 298-327.
  • McNamee, K. (2012). “Ancient Exegesis on Euripides for Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris Reperta" (pp. 521-522). In Schubert, P. (ed.), Actes du 26e congrès international de papyrologie, pp. 517-524. Genève.
  • Essler, H., Mastronarde, D. and McNamee, K. (2013). “The Würzburg Scholia on Euripides’ Phoenissae. A new edition of P.Würzb. 1 with translation and commentary" (p. 84 n. 29). In Baier, T., Erler, M. and Steinhart, M. (eds.), Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft Neue Folge, 37, pp. 31-98. Würzburg.
  • Stroppa, M. (2013). “L’uso di rotuli per testi cristiani di carattere letterario" (p. 356 with n. 35). Archiv für papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete, 59(2), pp. 347-358.
  • Martínez Bermejo, M. L. (2015). “Comentarios y marginalia al texto de Eurípides en los papiros" (p. 226). Ianua Classicorum. Temas y formas del Mundo Clásico, 11, pp. 223-230.
  • de Haro Sanchez, M. (2017). “Appréhender les influences multiculturelles sur les papyrus magiques grecs. Résultats, limites et perspectives de l’étude des marqueurs d’identité culturelle" (p. 43 n. 18). In Crippa, S. and Ciampini, E.M. (eds.), Languages, Objects and the Transmission of Rituals. An Interdisciplinary Analysis on Ritual Practices in the Graeco-Egyptian Papyri (PGM), pp. 37-58. Venezia.
  • Mastronarde, D. J. (2017). Preliminary Studies on the Scholia to Euripides (p. 10). Berkeley, California.
  • Mastronarde, D. J. (2020). Euripides Scholia: Scholia on Orestes 1-500 (p. 25). Berkeley. From the PDF version of the online edition of Euripides Scholia.

Record last modified 2022-09-22 15:51:14