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Universitetet i Oslo

P.Oslo inv. 1063

Background and Physical Properties

25 x 5 cm
Publication side:
Recto, transversa charta (Verso: Blank)
Palaeographic description:
Neat semi-cursive hand written across the fibres. Thin pen.
State of preservation:
Thin strip of papyrus preserving 4 lines. The left and right edges are preserved. Left margin: 1.5 cm. The right edges of lines 1-3 are almost entirely effaced. A rectangular slip of papyrus (c. 1.5 x 2 cm) was added to the upper right corner, preserving remains of the final letter in l. 1. No apparent kollesis. Given the broad dimension of the fragment, this suggests that any missing kolleseis would have been horizontal, and therefore that the fragment was written on the recto of a piece of papyrus rotated 90° (transversa charta).


1st century CE (U. Hagedorn)/2nd century CE (
Unknown place (perhaps Karanis or Kerkeesis, Arsinoite nome), Egypt
Title / Type of text:
Order for arrest / Summons
Summons addressed to the president (of the council of elders ?) and the chief of police of a village in the Arsinoite nome (probably Karanis or Kerkeesis) for Sisois son of Sambas, who is accused by Protion son of P[...].
Summons Warrant Arrest
Named people:
Sisois, son of Sambas Protion, son of P...
Named places:
English translation:
To the president and the chief of police at the village of K[…]. Send off Sisois, son of Sambas, who has received [...] diploma and is accused by Protion, son of P[...], at once.
Perhaps Tebtynis (mod. Umm el-Baragat), Polemonos meris, Arsinoite nome, Egypt
Purchased by Leiv Amundsen from Maurice Nahman, Cairo, Feb. 18, 1929
Acquisition year:


  • De Kat-Eliassen, Martha H., Symbolae Osloenses, 37, 1961, pp. 139-140
    SB: VI 9630

Further Literature


TM 25450


  • Maehler, H. (Ed.). (1966). Urkunden Römischer Zeit [= BGU XI.1]. Verlag Bruno Hessling. Edition of BGU XI 2016; on the address ἡγουμένῳ (l. 1) in, see pp. 8-9, note to l. 1.
  • Oates, J. F., Samuel, A. E., & Welles, C. B. (Eds.). (1967). Yale Papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library I [= P.Yale I]. The American Society of Papyrologists. Edition of P.Yale I 62; description and list of summonses; challenges the old descriptor ‘order for arrest’; see pp. 190-191.
  • Hagedorn, U. (1979). Das Formular der Überstellungsbefehle im Römischen Ägypten. The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 16(1/2), 61–74. On the formulaic language of summonses, suggesting earlier dating of the fragment (1st cent. CE); see pp. 65-66 (= BL VIII, p. 352).
  • Gagos, T. (1987). An edition of fourteen unpublished Greek documents from Roman and Byzantine Egypt [Doctoral dissertation, University of Durham]. Durham e-Theses. On the address to ἡγούμενος and ἀρχέφοδος, see p. 59 note 100.
  • Mountford, M. (2012). Documentary papyri from Roman and Byzantine Oxyrhynchus [Doctoral dissertation, University College London]. UCL Discovery. On the rare specifications of reason in summons before the middle of the 3rd century; see p. 40.
  • Mundy, W. (2017). A village, its people, and their texts: Euhemeria and the beginning of Roman rule in Egypt [Doctoral dissertation, University of Manchester]. The University of Manchester. On the office of ἀρχέφοδος; see p. 48.
  • Kloppenborg, J. S. (2020). Greco-Roman associations: texts, translations, and commentary. III. Ptolemaic and Early Roman Egypt. De Gruyter. Differentiates ἡγούμενος as guild leader in P.Grenf. II 43, and as president of the group of elders in SB VI 9630; see note to ll. 7-9, p. 308.

Record last modified 2024-09-01 12:23:14